Saturday, October 7, 2017

Why Cats Sleep A Lot 😊

If you are a cat parent or owned a cat, you probably know their favorite hobby, which is sleeping. 😊
We can observed that cat sleeps a lot, so much that most of the day the cat was just sleeping. Ever wonder why?

Photo of our Mimi today yawning and about to sleep after eating her lunch
Based on various articles online, cats usually sleep more than 12 hours a day and with an average of 15 hours daily. Most of the cats if not all, are more active at night time. It is because cats are considered as crepuscularthat means being active during wee hours (very late night and very early in the morning). So most of the day hours, they are sleeping to recover their energy. Also to store more energy for their activities such as running, jumping, playing and climbing.
There is a term Catnap as cats love to have naps in different times of the day. Older cats and kittens tend to sleep more which I think is the same with the case of humans. It is because on those age stages, the body needs more rest. Cats also tend to sleep more during colder season/weather since it is considered as bed weather, same to humans behavior.

Lulu and Lily Sleeping in a day time
They do dream too. I sometimes observe our cats while sleeping and can see them having body movements or whiskers twitching. Researching about it online, it was described as signs that the cat was dreaming in that moment. Cats can also adjust their sleeping patterns which is especially true for domesticated indoor cats. I personally observed this as our cats almost sleep on times when I am sleeping at night. They will wake up or become alerted when I wake up as they will be waiting for their foods. 😊

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